The Power of Our Beliefs

Copyright March 31, 2009 by James Gottfurcht, Ph. D.

This blog invites you to participate in a contest with prizes for the three people whose responses we believe will be the most beneficial to our readers. In order to allow time for you to respond and for us to select the winners, the next blog will be published in about two to three weeks.

Psychology of Money believes that although the global economy is beyond our control, there are many things we can do to convert financial stress and worry into confidence and empowerment. One of the most important ways is to develop more Prosperity Thinking beliefs while another is to decrease Poverty Thinking beliefs.

Bruce Lipton, Ph. D., has been a cellular biologist for over twenty years. In his 2005 book, The Biology of Belief, he reports his breakthrough research about how when we truly believe something, we secrete a chemical in our cells. This chemical sends a message throughout our body to manifest the belief. It must be a genuine belief with which we truly resonate —superficial positive thinking or wishful thinking will not suffice.

This chemical actually influences how we program ourselves to behave in one direction vs. another, i.e. Prosperity Thinking vs. Poverty Thinking. When our beliefs help to create the result we are thinking and feeling, we call that the self-fulfilling prophecy. Many people have written best-selling books about how this phenomenon operates to manifest success with money and work. Examples include The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, Psycho-Cybernetics, The Power of Positive Thinking, etc.

Dr. Lipton explains how this chemical works in the human body with what is called the placebo effect. As most of you know, the placebo effect occurs when a treatment or medicine helps some people to feel better even though its ingredients are biologically inactive.

We found a fascinating study that demonstrates the power of the placebo effect. In 2002, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article by Dr. Mosely. He did a study of dividing patients needing knee surgery to relieve severe, debilitating pain into three groups.

The first two groups received different surgeries that were known to relieve the pain while the third group received “fake” surgery. Members of the third group were cut in their knees superficially with three incisions like the patients who received knee surgery and were then sewn up forty minutes later like the other two real surgery groups.

The two groups receiving the real surgery got better as expected. The surprise was the placebo group with the fake surgery had the same improvement. One of the patients in the placebo group who walked with a cane before the fake surgery stopped using the cane. More remarkably, he was actually able to play basketball shortly afterward!

How would you like to give up the metaphorical canes and crutches you’ve been using (i.e. your Poverty Thinking beliefs)? With your permission, participation and perseverance, we believe we can support and guide you how to do so in these blogs. The financial cost to you? Zero. The cost of your time? Minimal.

We invite all of you to participate. No matter how you’re feeling at this moment, you can seize this opportunity now.

Follow-Up Activities:

  1. Think of an example in which your Prosperity Thinking manifested a successful self-fulfilling prophecy with money or work.
  2. Think of an example in which your Poverty Thinking manifested a negative self-fulfilling prophecy with money or work.
  3. Briefly describe what you learned about money and/or about yourself from these examples.

The Gift of Giving: E-mail us and win!

Just for fun, we will turn your responses to the above activities into a contest. We will give a gift to the three people whose responses we believe will be most beneficial to our readers.

The gift is the one-hour Intro CD to Psychology of Money ($19 value) and will include free shipping and handling in the U. S. This CD is the best audio or video introduction to our proprietary work and includes exercises, case stories and tools to empower your money mind set and financial success. It also includes Dr. Gottfurcht telling the unique story of what inspired him at age nine to develop Psychology of Money.

We, also, will publish the responses of one of the three winners of the Intro CD in the next blog.

Please send your responses to What if your response is the one chosen to be in our next blog? If you would like to be personally identified, mention your name and city (or country if you live outside of the United States) in your e-mail. If, however, you want to remain anonymous, just say so.

In many of the upcoming blogs, we will share with you the specific Psychology of Money tools we use with clients so we may support you to enhance your financial, relationship and life success.

With appreciation, we are looking forward to hearing from you.